Category: Medical

Medical R & D work

Laser marking and traceability for dental implants and tools

Dental implants are made up of medical-grade metal, which is placed in the jawbone inside your gums. It also acts as a base for a dentist to put a dental crown on it A dental implant can be of 2 type 1. Subperiosteal dental implants. 2. Endosteal dental implants. These implants have to stay in the […]

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IIOT Applications Medical

Introduction to Healthcare Internet of things HIoT|[Markolaser]

With the development of advanced IoT devices healthcare is revolutionizing in a faster pace. The databased analysis where the data is compared against the individual data using various data analysis technique, HIOT data helps & enables the personalization and modernization of healthcare premises which in result improvements and reduces cost effectively. We are listing down […]

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